How to pick the best EV charger

INTRO: With the rising popularity of electrical vehicles, chargers too have gained in importance, and logically so. Since the chargers come in various shapes, sizes and types; one must know what factors to keep in mind while selecting the one. Speed, compatibility, portability, connectivity, cost, safety features, and brand reputation are some of the crucial […]
EVCD a must for EV users in high-risers

The Government is making considerable efforts to strengthen EV charging infrastructure by installing DC fast chargers on highways and fuel stations. But the problem area remains slow charging by AC chargers, which is recommended by EV manufacturers. For those living in high-rise apartments and housing societies in particular, it is an acute problem. The solution […]
BAF E-Vaahana boon for EV owners living in Bengaluru societies

Boasting the maximum number of electric vehicles in the country, the city of Bengaluru is also in need of a decent charging infrastructure. The Bangalore Apartments’ Federation’s E-Vaahana campaign is a commendable initiative in this regard. The BAF model needs to be replicated in all the metropolitan cities in order to give a boost to […]