Charge-discharge curve of lithium-ion cells

Charge-discharge curve of lithium-ion cells

Intro: Electric mobility is transforming transportation, with EV charging systems and lithium-ion batteries taking center stage. As the lifeline of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries significantly influence performance and efficiency. Understanding their charge-discharge curve and other technical aspects is essential for optimizing their use and longevity. Charging Lithium-Ion Battery Packs: Lithium-ion battery packs, formed by combining […]

Battery management system is essential to check EV fire mishap

Battery management system to check EV fire

The recent fire incidents in electric vehicles have brought an important issue to focus – the need for heat management system for batteries. Since lithium ion batteries are ‘dangerous goods’ and they can catch fire for a variety of reasons, it is essential to have a decent Battery Thermal Management System. With more and more […]

EVCD a must for EV users in high-risers 

EV users

The Government is making considerable efforts to strengthen EV charging infrastructure by installing DC fast chargers on highways and fuel stations. But the problem area remains slow charging by AC chargers, which is recommended by EV manufacturers. For those living in high-rise apartments and housing societies in particular, it is an acute problem. The solution […]